Saturday, April 6, 2024

Bulk GL Posting Tool Version 3.5



This tool can be used for bulk GL posting in SAP using ZBF07. It can convert McCamish reports in Excel format to a text file that can be used to bulk GL posting.

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Version History:

Ver - dated 05.04.2024

  1. Properly segregate the revival premium into FY premium and RY premium.

  2. Properly segregate GST from the initial premium (McCamish report ignores GST on initial premium).

  3. Option added for grouping records into a single document based on date, office, cash account, and document type (Will post documents similar to POSB GL integration figures).

  4. Option for exporting records to an Excel file added (available in the bottom right corner of the table).

  5. Column for profit center added in the summary report.

  6. Able to view the summary of all offices simultaneously.

  7. Issue with mapping office names due to unnecessary blank spaces in the McCamish report is fixed.

  8. Option for searching GL account head added in both data entry menus for a seamless process.

Ver - dated 01.03.2024

  1. Unlocked GLs not related to PLI/RPLI categories. You can delete unnecessary GLs in the GL Config menu.
  2. Removed round-off bug in the calculation of GST on DF.

Ver - dated 24.02.2024

  1. Improved data-entry windows of both cash and non-cash transactions.
  2. Auto-completer help added in data-entry windows for the field remark,
  3. Option added for keeping document date same as posting date in the text file.
  4. A new window added for viewing the transaction summary.

Ver - dated 16.02.2024

  1. Support for Windows 7 included.
  2. A separate user-friendly data-entry window included for entering cash documents manually.
  3. Old data entry may be used for entering non-cash transactions (eg: adjustments between GLs).
  4. Double click on a row to modify the record.
  5. A new column added in the GL config menu for easy updates.
  6. You can add new GLs using the GL Config window under Config menu. 
  7. Single text can be generated for more than one day at the same time.
  8. PLI/RPLI selection bug for Misc/Loan receipts fixed.
  9. Bug fixed in accounting premium collections where there are adjustments between previously paid amounts.

Ver -

  1. You can now directly upload Excel files downloaded from McCamish. No need to convert it to 1997-2003 format.
  2. Last used directory will be opened first while browsing Excel files.

Ver -

  1. New option added for accounting GST on Default Fee in Upload menu.

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Author: verified_user