Friday, December 15, 2023

Willingness of officials to work at the Foreign Post, Chennai on “attachment Basis -Reg

Sub: Willingness of officials to work at the Foreign Post, Chennai on “attachment Basis -Reg

[ am directed by the competent authority to call for willingness of officials under your Region/Units in Postal Assistants(PAs/SAs) cadre to work on attachment basis at Foreign Post, Chennai with the following conditions.

i. 'The willingness of officials working under your Region /Units may be called for from Time Scale Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants (PAs/SAs) only and not from higher levels such as LSG, HSG-1I and HSG-I.

ii. The arrangement is on attachment basis only (not on deputation basis). They will continue to draw the pay and allowances admissible to the post presently they hold. They are not eligible for deputation allowance/HRA etc.

iii. The applications of the willing officials may be forwarded with the recommendations of the Divisional/Regional Heads only.

iv. Regions/Unit are requested to forward the applications received from Divisions/Applicants to Circle Office by 22.12.2023

v. This is only offer and the decision to attach the officials will rest with the competent authority.



Author: verified_user