PO and RMS Accountant Exam
Pattern of examination:
- There will be two paper with books for this examination. Maximum marks in each paper will be 100.
- Both Paper will consist of theoretical question and practical question in the proportion of 1/3rd theoretical and 2/3rd practical question. In both the portions, there will be some compulsory question. Marks for theory portion would be 30 and those for practical portion will be 70.
- For O.C. candidates, qualifying marks will be 45% in each paper and 50% in the aggregate. SC/ST candidates will require 38% and 43 % marks respectively for qualifying in each paper and in the aggregate.
- An official securing at least 60% marks in a particular paper will be exempted from appearing in that paper in the next two subsequent examination.
PO and RMS Accountant Exam Syllabus
PO and RMS Accountant Exam Paper I (with Books)
[ Duration: 3 hours Marks: 100 marks ]
- FRs 1 to 56
- SRs 1to 203
- CCS (joining Time) Rules 1979
- CCS (Leave ) Rules 1972
- CCS (Pension) Rules 1972, New Pension Scheme Rules
- GPF (CS) Rules 1960
- Dearness allowance
- House Rent allowance
- City compensatory allowance
- children Education allowance
- Service rules for Gamin Dak Sevak ( Section - III, VI, VII, IX, XI )
PO and RMS Accountant Exam Paper II (with Books)
[ Duration: 3 hours Marks: 100 marks ]
Part -II
- FHB Volume I & II
- Postal Manual Volume II (chapter IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII )
- Schedule of financial powers of the Department of Posts .
- Core System Integration Manual in SAP environment related to Finance & Accounts (F&A) functions, HR pay role management Manual.
- Postal Manual Volume VI Part-I, II, VII,XII,XVI,XVII
- Postal Manual Volume VI Part Il (relating to MOS, IPOS, BPOS)
- Overtime allowance, Medical reimbursement , Central Government Health Insurance Scheme, HBA, LTC & Group Insurance Scheme
- Procurement of Goods & Services (GFR, Handbook on GeM)