Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Prior permission is required for leaving station/ headquarters - Clarification


Requirement of taking prior permission by Government servants for leaving station/headquarters – clarification regarding


Doubts have been expressed by Ministries/Departments as to whether a Government servant is required to take permission before leaving station/headquarters during leave or otherwise, especially for visits abroad.


2. Attention of the Ministries/Departments is invited in this connection to the provisions of FR 11 which provides that ‘unless in any case it be otherwise distinctly provided the whole time of a Government servant is at the disposal of the Government which pays him….’ Article 56 of the Civil Service Regulations also provides that ‘no officer is entitled to pay and allowance for any time he may spend beyond the limits of his charge without authority.’ It is implicit in these provisions that a Government servant is required to take permission for leaving station/headquarters. It is thus clear that such permission is essential before a Government servant leaves his station or headquarters and more so when he proposes to go abroad during such absence, as such visit may have wider implications.


3. However, separate permission may not be necessary where a Government servant has indicated his intention of leaving headquarters/station along with leave address while applying for leave. The leave application form prescribed under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 contains necessary columns in this regard. In case the leave applied for the purpose of visiting foreign country is sanctioned, it would imply that permission for going abroad is also granted and therefore leave sanctioning authorities should keep this aspect in mind while granting the leave applied for. In the case of officers who are competent to sanction leave for themselves they should obtain permission for leaving station from their superior authority. Failure to obtain permission of competent authority before leaving station/headquarters especially for foreign visits is to be viewed seriously and may entail disciplinary action.


[DOPT OM No. 11013/7/94-Estt.(A), dated 18.05.1994]



Author: verified_user