Friday, November 10, 2023

Postal Training Centres (PTCs)


 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy (RAKNPA)


Rafi Ahmed Kidwai National Postal Academy, till recently called as Postal Staff College India (PSCI) is the apex training institution of India Post.

Initially the College functioned from Sanchar Bhavan and later from Dak Bhavan in Delhi.

Postal Staff College India (PSCI) was set up in 1977

RAKNPA Located at Ghaziabad, UP

Renamed as RAKNPA on 01.11.2011

First Minister of Communications of India - Rafi Ahmed Kidwai


Postal Training Centres (PTCs)

PTC Mysore

• The third residential Postal Training Centre was opened at Mysore on 20th April 1965.

• The Centre is imparting various training to the postal employees of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala Circles.


PTC Madurai

• PTC Madurai was formed on 25-08-1981.

• It is situated at a place called Perungudi, 9 KM south of the Madurai City.

• The Centre is imparting various training to the postal employees of Tamil Nadu and Kerala


PTC Vadodara

• PTC Vadodara was established with effect from 01.07.1962 to cater the training needs of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh Postal Circles.


PTC Darbhanga

• Darbhanga Postal training centre caters to the training needs of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal Circles.

• West Bengal Postal Circles includes Sikkim and Andaman Nicobar Island.


PTC Saharanpur

• Residential Postal Training Centre was opened at Saharanpur on 2nd April 1951.

• The Centre served Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Rajasthan Circle.


PTC Guwahati

• PTC Guwahati was opened on 27/10/2003.

• The Centre is imparting various training to the postal employees of Assam and NE circle.



Author: verified_user