Today 17.10.2023 Periodical meeting was held at Postal Directorate, G.P Roy Committee room Dak Bhawan.
From administration side Secretary Posts, DG Posts, Member (P) and other directorate officers attended. From staff side Secretary General Anantapal ji, General Secretaries and one representative to each affiliated associations attended.
From Bharatiya Postal Supervisors Association following agendas were discussed for the welfare of Postal Supervisors and outcome of Today's Postal Directorate meeting is as follows
1. Review DPC to HSG II (PO)& HSG I (PO) cadre will be called from all postal circles. Compliance report will be called from Tamilnadu & Kerala. All 2011, 2012, 2013 batch then PM Grade I officials will get benefit by HSG I notional promotion from 2021, 2022, 2023.
2. Officiating pay and allowances instructions were already reiterated to Circles if they haven't given due officiating pay and allowances, case with CO minutes may be taken to directorate.
3. General Line's 6 posts of 2017-18 PS Group B LDCE posts will be reviewed to reallocate to Postal Supervisors which was erroneously adjusted with AsP line DPC quota.
4. Gazetted status to HSG I cadre was not agreed.
5. HSG I NFG to all HSG I officials can be taken only after merger of RMS SBCO after arriving the exact HSG I strength.
6. NFU to 5400 grade pay can be achieved by court cases only as done by ASP cadre officials court case.
7. HSG II LDCE will be introduced shortly for PAs with 5 years service and LSG with 3 years service. It is our continuous demand and now yielded fruitful results.
8. PS Gr B results will be published by November 2023 positively before Dewali.
News from
Shri. K.Kalimuthu HSG II
General Secretary
Bharatiya Postal Supervisors Association
Gopalapuram S.O
Chennai 600086