Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Postal Manual Volume II - MCQ




1.         A criminal prosecution in a non-cognizable case should not be instituted without the previous sanction of the


            a)         Head of the Circle/Regional PMG                        b)         SSP/SP

            c)         Sub divisional inspector                             d)         None of these           Ans:a


2.         Which of the following is cognizable case?


            a)         Highway robbery                                          b)         Theft

            c)         Criminal breach of trust                              d)         All the above             Ans:d(129)


3.         Which of the following is non-cognizable case?


            a)         Theft                                                               b)         Cheating , forgery

            c )        Half murder                                                   d)         All the above             Ans:b(129)


4.         The security deposit account in POSB, PO certificates or Govt securities should be pledged by an official to the appointing authority, if of a


            a)         LSG states                                                     b)         HSG States

            d)         Gazetted status                                            d)         None of these           Ans:d(225)


5.         Security deposit account should be maintained in form


            a)         ACG 43                                                          b)         ACG 38

            c)         ACG 54                                                          d)         ACG 48                      Ans:a(227)


6.         Mark the correct option


a)            When an official is transferred permanently to the jurisdiction of another office, the officer in charge of the office in which his bond is kept will forward the bond to the proper office in a regd cover.

b)            When an application is received for the refund of the balance at credit of a security deposit amount, in no case should be refund be authorized before the expiry of six months after the vacation of his office by the employee

c)            All bonds of permanent or temporary officials will be entered in the prescribed register Form Sec. 19.

d)            All the above                                                                                         Ans:d(230-34)


7.         Custody of security bonds register Form Sec 19 in


            a)         Custody of divisional supdt.         

            b)         Custody of the postmaster

            c)         Joint custody of the postmaster and accountant

            d)         Custody of treasure                                                                                     Ans:c(232)


8.         The security furnished by an official will be liable to forfeiture by


            a)         Director General                                           b)         Head of the circle

            c)         Any officer authorized by DG Post           d)         Both the A & C         Ans:d(258)




9.            The security furnished by an official will be liable to forfeiture when


a)            An  employee quitting the service without properly accounting for all money,

b)            store and valuables in his custody

c)            An employee quitting the service without permission

d)            An employee quitting the service without giving at least three month’s notice

e)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(258)


10.       When the whole or the part of the security deposit of an official is to be forfeited the form of security bond must be


a)            Kept in safe locker

b)            Kept in custody of postmaster

c)            Sent to Head of the circle or Administration office                               

d)            Either  A or B                                                                                                            Ans:c(259)


11.       Deposits of employees that remain unclaimed for ____ years after their refund becomes admissible are to be credited to Government under head________


a)            Two years, UCR

b)            Three years, UCP

c)            Three years, Miscellaneous revenue

d)            Five year, Miscellaneous revenue                                                                       Ans:c(260)


12.       Mark the incorrect option


a)            The articles of stock such as plant and machinery, furniture and fixture are classed as “Dead stock”

b)            Consumable and perishable articles come under the term “Stores”

c)            Both the A and B

d)            None of these                                                                                            Ans:d(269b)



13.       The inventory should ordinarily be maintained at the site of the dead stock and should be checked once in______ year by the ________


a)            A year, Head of the circle

b)            Two year, Head of the office

c)            A year, head of the office/ any other office selected by the head of the circle

d)            None of these                                                                                            Ans:c(269b)


14.       The stock book maintained in the form


            a)         SK-2                                                   b)         SK-1

            c)         SK-3                                                   d)         SK-4                                    Ans:b(269b)


15.       The stock book SK 1 should be used in maintaining the inventories of


            a)         Dead stock                                        b)         Stores

            c)         Both the A and B                             d)         None of these                       Ans:c


16.       A detailed record of all losses of stock and stores should be maintained and an annual statement submitted to the


            a)         DG Post                                             b)         Head of the circle

            c)         Divisional office                               d)         Audit office                          Ans:d(269c)


17.       The _______of an office must daily examine the condition of the locks of the main doors leading into the office and at least once a ­­­_____that of the locks of the boxes, etc., in the office and note the result of the examination in the ______as the case may be


            a)         Gp D, Month, Order book or in the error book

            b)         Officer in charge, Month, Order book or in the error book

            c)         Officer in charge, Daily, Order book or in the error book

            d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans:b(270)


18.       When locks get out of order or damaged or become unserviceable in any way, they should not be repaired locally, but should in all cases be returned to the


            a)         Circle office                                       b)         Head office

            c)         CSD                                                   d)         Depot                                     Ans:d(270)


19.       Whenever the cost of articles of stock lost or broken by postal officials is


a)            Recovered from the official in false

b)            Paid from postal collection

c)            Paid from post office fund

d)            New lock will be replaced with old                                                                        Ans:a(271)


20.       When steel almirahs, cabinets, cupboard or locker furnished with body locks (which are furnished by their manufacturer with duplicate keys) are supplied to any office, i.e. Post, Mail, Record or Divisional Office for storage of records, forms etc., the duplicate keys of the same should be kept locked up in the


a)            Post office at postmaster custody

b)            In circle office

c)            Divisional office

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(271)



21.       The duplicate key should be sent by


a)            Hand of an responsible official                 b)         Ordinary post

c)          Registered post                                            d)         Insured post              Ans:d9271)


22.       Duplicate keys of all safes in the store depot should be kept in a locked safe in the store depot, in the joint custody of


a)            The manager and the Superintendent

b)            The manager and Head assistant of the circle office

c)            Either A or B

d)            Neither A nor B                                                                                            Ans:c(271)


23.       When steel almirahs, cabinets, cupboard or locker furnished with body locks (which are furnished by their manufacturer with duplicate keys) are supplied to any office, i.e. Post, Mail, Record or Divisional Office for storage of records, forms etc., the duplicate keys of the same should be kept locked up in the custody of


a)            The manager and the Superintendent

b)            Head clerk and Stock clerk of divisional office.

c)            Both the A and B

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:b


24.       Indent of furniture may be submitted by_____. Only after personal inspection by him or by ________, of the office for which the articles are required .


a)            Head postmaster, SPM

b)            Superintendent, Inspector

c)            Inspector, SPM

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:b


25.       In Circle where the Store Depot is located at a place different from the Circle Office, duplicate keys of the safes may be kept in the Circle Office itself in the joint custody of the _______and the ________dealing with the Stock or Stores Depot


a)            Office Superintendent, Assistant Director of Postal Services

b)            Manager, Head clerk

c)            Both the A and B

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:a


26.       A general stock book (Form SK 1 ) must be kept in


            a)         Head office only                               b)         Sub office only

            b)         Store depot only                               d)         Every office                           Ans:d(272)


27.       Bags should not be entered in the general stock book in the offices which have been authorised by the ____to maintain the special form of stock register of bags ____


a)            Superintendent , SK 2

b)            Superintendent, SK1

c)            Head of the Circle,  Form S.K.-1 (a)

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(272)


28.       Officers in charge of offices should prepare indents on the Depot, in form


a)         SK-2                                                   b)         SK-1(a)

            c)         SK-3                                                   d)         SK-4                                    Ans:a(277)


29.       Indents for articles of stock are considered emergent indents should be submitted on


            a)         1st of the every month                     b)         Once in a quarter

            c)         Half yearly                                         d)         No fixed date                        Ans:d(277)



30.       Emergency indent should be prepared in


            a)         Single copy                                       b)         Duplicate

            c)         Triplicate                                            d)         Quadruplicate                       Ans:c(277)


31.       Mark the correct option


a)            Not more than one indent for the same office should be submitted in a month


b)            Superintendents prepare indents for the articles required for themselves and for their inspectors.


c)            The indent for replacement of an article of stock which is lost or damaged through the fault of a postal official and the cost of which is recovered and credited to Government


d)            Except in the case of a branch office, be sent by the post office concerned direct to the Stores Depot accompanied by a certificate from the head postmaster giving particulars of the credit of the cost of the article including the number and date of the authority for the recovery of the same


e)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:e(278)


32.       Mark the correct option


a)            Indents prepared by first class postmasters do not require countersignature and should be forwarded direct to the Depot

b)            In the case of a mail line, the indent should be forwarded by the postmaster of the principal terminal office, whether it is a first class head office or not, to the Superintendent in charge of the line for countersignature

c)            Both the A and B

d)            None of these                                                                                               Ans:c(279)


33.       Articles of stock indented for, the supply of which has been sanctioned by the Head of the Circle, will be received direct from the Depot, with an invoice


            a)         Form SK 4                                                     b)         Form SK 1(a)

            b)         Form SK 5                                                     c)         Form SK3                  Ans:c(282)


34.       The duplicate copy of the invoice (Form S. K.-3) should be duly receipted by the _______ and returned to the ______


a)            Indenting officer, Circle office

b)            Indenting officer, Audit office

c)            Indenting officer, Divisional office

d)            Indenting officer, Depot                                                                              Ans:d(283)


35.       The Head of the Circle must prescribe the ________ for which forms are to be supplied to each offices in the circle


            a)         Quarterly                                                        b)         Yearly

            c)         Two six monthly period                               d)         None of these           Ans:c(286)


35.       Mark the correct option


a)            A copy of the Master Schedule of Forms will be supplied to the Stores/Stock Depot concerned for its guidance in supplying forms or in checking the indents

b)            No alteration will be made in the Master Schedule without the previous sanction of the officer by whom it was supplied

c)            The Master Schedule of Forms will, however, be thoroughly reviewed after every 5 years and the changes ordered during the intervening period will be incorporated, and the revised Master Schedule of Forms will be supplied to each office

d)            All the above                                                                                                 Ans:d(288)


36.       An indent in Form SK 85 in duplicate will be placed direct on eh


            a)         Store depot                                                    b)         Circle office

            c)         Supplying agency                                       d)         None of these           Ans:c(289)


37.       The postal stores form and seals are supplied by


            a)         Postal store depot Calcutta                        b)         Postal store depot Nasik

            c)         Postal store depot Aligarh                          d)         All the above             Ans:d(292)


38.       The forms will be supplied to each office direct by the


            a)         Head office                                                   b)         Divisional office

            c)         Postal stock/store depot                              d)         None of these           Ans:c(296)


39.       Forms for the  branch post office will be supplied by the


            a)         Any SO                                                          b)         Their account office

            c)         Sub divisional office                                               d)         HO                              Ans:d(296)


40.     The supplies of forms by the Postal Stores/Stock Depots will be accompanied by


            a)         An acknowledgement                                 b)         Issue voucher

            c)         Two copies of invoice                                 d)         Deposit voucher       Ans:c(298)


41.       The bags, in which forms are received, should at once be returned to the Stock Depot


a)            Filled with unserviceable article

b)            Empty

c)            Either A or B

d)            No need to return                                                                                         Ans:c(299)


42.       Invoice of articles returned to the Depot (Form S.K.-3) should be prepared in


            a)         Single copy                                       b)         Duplicate

            c)         Triplicate                                            d)         Quadruplicate                       Ans:c(302)


43.       Every postmaster or record clerk, as the case may be, should at least once in every _______, count and examine the bags of his office and satisfy himself that they are correct and in once in serviceable condition and that bags of suitable sizes are kept in stock


            a)         Month                                                 b)         Quarter

            c)         Six month                                          d)         Year                                        Ans:b(313)


44.       Black and magenta stamping-ink will be supplied by the


            a)         Divisional office                               b)         Circle office

            c)         Stock depot                                       d)         None of these                      Ans:c(318)


45.       The hand bags supplied to


            a)         Sorting assistant                              b)         Mail guards

            c)         Van peons                                        d)         All the above                         Ans:d(382)


46.       Indents for stationery should ordinarily be submitted


            a)         Monthly                                              b)         Quarterly

            c)         Half yearly                                         d)         Yearly                                     Ans:b(371)


47.       Indent of stationery of form SK11 prepared in


            a)         Single copy                                       b)         Duplicate

            c)         Triplicate                                            d)         Quadruplicate                       Ans:b(372)


48.       Cost of stationery inspector and Asst Supdt of post office holding independent charge of sub division


            a)         Rs 100 pm                                         b)         Rs 200pm

            c)         Rs 500pm                                          d)         No limit                                   Ans:b


49.       Security bond of postal officials, duly endorsed by the Supdt or First Class postmaster should be kept by the ________ concerned


            a)         Post master of the Head post office          b)         Inspector of sub division

            c)         O/o Suptd                                                      d)         None of these           Ans:a


50.       SB passbooks relating to securities furnished by mail contactos should be kept in the safe custody of the _____which draw and disburse in subsidy


a)            Head post office                               b)         SPOs

c)         SDI (P)                                               d)         None of these                       Ans:a


51.       The equipment of stationery for all office must be sanctioned by ______


            a)         DG Post                                             b)         Head of the circle

            c)         Head of the division                                    d)         None of these                       Ans:b


52.       The divisional Supdt may sanction boat allowance, up to  Rs___in a month in any one case to postman, village postman and such other official who have to incur expenditure regularly on hire


            a)         500/-                                                   b)         1500/-

            c)         1000/-                                                 d)         2500/-                                     Ans:a


53.       The divisional supdt may sanction up tot Rs ___ in each case, non-recurring contingent expenditure, powers for which are not provided for specifically


            a)         5000/-                                                 b)         1500/-

            c)         4000/-                                                 d)         2500/-                                     Ans:a



54.       The divisional supdt may sanction up to Rs____ in each case for embedding to cash/mail chests, purchase of technical books/maps, painting of letter boxes, sign boards, notice boards etc.


            a)         400/-                                                   b)         1500/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         2500/-                                     Ans:c


55.       The divisional supdt may sanction up to Rs ____ in each case for purchase of equipments and consumables connected with computer and other equipments.


            a)         400/-                                                   b)         1500/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         2500/-                                     Ans:c


56.       The divisional supdt may sanction divisional office Rs_____ p.a purchase of furniture and fitting for office.


            a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         50000/-                                               d)         75000/-                                   Ans:b


57.       The divisional supdt may sanction Sub divisional office Rs_____ p.a purchase of furniture and fitting for office.


            a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         50000/-                                               d)         15000/-                                   Ans:d


58.       The divisional supdt may sanction Gezetted Ho Rs_____ p.a purchase of furniture and fitting for office.


            a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         50000/-                                               d)         75000/-                                   Ans:d


59.       The divisional supdt may sanction LSG SO Rs_____ p.a purchase of furniture and fitting for office.


            a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         50000/-                                               d)         75000/-                                   Ans:b


60.       The divisional supdt may sanction EDSO/EDBO Rs_____ p.a purchase of furniture and fitting for office.


            a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         75000/-                                   Ans:c


61.       The divisional supdt may sanction up to Rs_____ in each case for hiring examination and for other purpose etc holding customers meet etc


            a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         75000/-                                   Ans:c


62.       The divisional supdt may sanction up to Rs____ for petty works-per annum per departmental buildings


a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         10000/-                                   Ans:d


63.       The divisional supdt may sanction may sanction up to Rs_____ annual or special repairs/ maintenance expenses to Deptl bldgs per annum per bldgs


a)         25000/-                                               b)         30000/-

            c)         15000/-                                               d)         10000/-                                   Ans:c


64.       The divisional supdt may sanction may sanction up to Rs____- only per rented bldgs per annum in each case


a)         2500/-                                                 b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         10000/-                                   Ans:a


65.       The divisional supdt may sanction up to Rs____ per month in each case for mail conveyance


a)         2500/-                                                 b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         10000/-                                   Ans:d


66.       The divisional supdt may sanction may sanction up to Rs ___ for each meat , for holding of customers meet


a)         2500/-                                                 b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         10000/-                                   Ans:c


67.       The divisional supdt may sanction may sanction up to Rs 500/- reimbursement of cell phones charges up to _______for those who under take any activity that facilitate marketing of product/service of the dept.


            a)         4000/-                                                 b)         5000/-

            c)         1000/-                                                 d)         12000/-                                   Ans:a


68.       The divisional supdt may sanction  Rs ____ in each case for a period of three month only, for temporay arrangements for conveyance of mails without  calling tenders


 a)        2500/-                                                 b)         30000/-

            c)         5000/-                                                 d)         10000/-                                   Ans:c


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